Saturday, December 1, 2007

Trashion Team : Save the World Sunday Sale! Part 2---starting very soon, like in a few hours.

Etsy Texas Crafters (ETC) Team -- First Monday SALE!

That's right, the Etsy Texas Crafters are gearing up for another First Mondays Sales & Special Offers Event (Monday, Dec 3rd). We are loading up our shops with lots of great stocking stuffers and gift ideas, and getting ready for a super-sized sale!

In addition to our sales and specials this month, we will be also be featuring the following:

Holiday Chat: Heather of will be hosting a chat about stocking stuffer ideas, featuring craft projects & etsy shopping -- check our website at next Monday for additional information.

ETC First Monday Lucky Shopper: With every purchase from one of our First Monday participating shops, your name will be entered into a drawing for a free Taste of Texas goodie box . If you buy two items, then you will get 2 entries in the drawing. Buy 6 items, and get 6 entries! Drawing will be held & winner notified/announced on Tuesday, Dec 4th.

Be sure to check our website Sunday night for a full list of participating shops and their amazing sales and special offers -- sales do not start until 12:01am Monday Central Time (that's 1:01am Etsy Time), but you can certainly get a head start on your shopping plans

Jeepers, never enough time!

So, I feel a bit better today, the not sick mantra seems to be working. But, since I had to work today and have plans tonite, there is not enough time to do what I want! I have lots of things I want to make! I just went and got lots of cool fabric (yeah, like I needed more fabric!) and I want to go home and sew! But I made plans for later, so I won't have enough time. I can't believe how fast time flies. How the heck is it already Dec 1???? Just yesterday it was Halloween. It really is true, the older you get, the faster it goes. If only I could MAKE time. Or buy more. hm.
Oh well, when I get home I will just have to get straight to 'work' craftin! Then time will really fly by....