Saturday, January 26, 2008

collage 5. sweetwolf

it makes me sad that pretty flowers always die so fast. I do love to look at them though....

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

my brain on color

this almost feels like cheating, since it is so simple, but it's also so busy! I love to look at the Pantone color chart, and this clip art is from my favorite stash.
I haven't been doing a collage a day, so far I have made 6, but for me, that's pretty impressive, considering how I have little to no follow thru on most things....

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Branch out?

So, I am wondering what other sites to try selling on, besides Etsy and Ebay....I need opinions.
I need to branch out! I spend way way too much time on Etsy, instead of creating, I get sucked into the forums...I am totally addicted to them. Unfortunately I can't make and surf at the same time. I have heard about other sites, need to get off the dang forums and research!

Monday, January 21, 2008

me and dad 1970's

tee hee--this picture is awesome. I love 70's fashions. My dad prolly doesn't like this as much-Oh well!
We were on our way to a father-daughter banquet, I loved that dress so much! I think I wore it out....look at those ringlets.

Collage 4. jan 21. sweetwolf

Here is the collage I made today, while at work! It was so slow !
I used found stuff from work, and from the Onion, and the female condom, which is very intriguing to me....
my collages are kinda lame compared to the others, but ah well. they are mine!

crazy quilt collage. sweetwolf. jan 20

here is a crazy quilt block I have been working on over the weekend. I submitted it to the 'collage a day' project on Flickr. I figured it was collage-y enough! I have plans to sew it into a bag....

Sunday, January 20, 2008

MLK Jr was a great man....

tomorrow is MLK day. I have to work, but will still be thinking about his influence and powerful messages. I wish we had come further in 40 years, but I think things are better than they were then, but not as good as it could be. One day I hope that the world will realize we are all the same inside and skin color doesn't matter....
here is an Etsy Treasury I made to honor his message, featuring some items with good messages...

Check it out, leave me a comment here if you want.


PS, the DJ shadow show was good, but not as awesome as I wanted it to be, but I still had fun!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Yay! Going to a show tonite...

My friend Jeff and I are going to go see DJ Shadow tonite!! Super excited, there will be 8 turntables and some microphones! Kid Koala is opening. Should be good--better be, cause he had to buy the tix off someone thru Craigslist and they were $50! Yikes, can't remember the last time I spent that much for a show. Probably the Beastie Boys. I hope this show rox!
I will let you know soon.....

Sunday, January 13, 2008

At least I got something done today

Well, Sunday is a notoriously lazy day. But I got some things done, besides chores.

I made 3 wristlets, and a collage for the project put together by MagicJelly.

I will try to keep up, the goal is to make a collage a day for 2 weeks. Lord knows I have enough materials laying about to do that, the hard part will be making myself do it! I will follow MJ's lead and only spend 30 minutes on it, otherwise it really will not get done!

Here is my first one, using scraps from my projects that I sewed today. The warning label is funny. The 'paper' is a priority mail envelope, made of tyvek... I reuse work trash! and there will be more of that in my upcoming collages. Especially the copier trash, some of that is great!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

A blog about Glögg

Glögg--what is that? I don't know. but I bought some. It was on sale at IKEA for $1 a bottle. And I need a cheap bottle of something to make a birthday present for my brother (more on that later....)
so, I guess I will try it. I think it sounds delish, based on the name....Glögg.
it must taste good with a name like that! will report back later after the tasting.......

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I am such a dumbass sometimes. I almost just stabbed myself in the stomach. Doing something stupid. I was excited about an order I got in the mail, and I was trying to open the box with a pair of scissors. Well, they slipped, and hit me in the tummy. I managed to not hurt myself, but put a hole in my favorite tshirt and a wee hole in my skin. What a big dummy. I know better than that!!

Thursday already?

I have had to work alot this week , since my boss has been sick . I can't believe it's Thursday already! I haven't gotten much done, since after working 11 hour days, I get home and do some chores and then think about crafting. I got out all my stuff to make some jewelry the other night, and by the time I was done it was time to go to bed, as I was falling asleep on the couch....
but, I should be real productive this weekend and use some of the new fabric I got and then make some jewelry for Valentines Day!
and hang out with Hubby and relax! I also need to get some stuff listed in my new Etsy shop. I got the banner and avatar made and am ready to rock it! just need more time in the day....

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

dangit, late again!

dagnabit, I just missed posting on the 7th. boo ! I really was going to, but I was busy on Etsy with my ETC street team. They are some really nice folks who make awesome stuff. And it was on sale! Plus, I had to work late today. And now I am really tired, since I only got 4 hours sleep last nite. I am going to ad a photo of my latest Etsy listing, just for the heck of it. Not a great photo, I admit. But a cute bag!
be back soon....

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A New Etsy Shop!! drumroll please.....

So, I just opened my second shop mere moments ago. It's called, guess what? UltraTrixie!
Stuff and junk and things, etcetera!
yay! it will be for destashing, vintage, art perhaps, or whatever the heck I feel like! The SweetWolf will be for handmade, the other one for everything else! Check it out, go ahead, even though it is very super new and doesn't have anything listed yet........
I am excited cause now my alter-ego has a shop too!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Saturday! yay!

So, I just joined Indiepublic. just is my page link. check it out if you want. more of the same boring stuff about me!

I am boring.

It's official. I have declared myself boring. What do I have to share with 'the world'?
hmmm. not so much. How about my new food find? Cashew butter!! peanut butter but made of cashews. How is it that I have never had this before? It is rather expensive, and very fattening (not that I care about that, but...)
It is fabulous! And OMG, guess what kind of sandwich I had? toasted wheat bread and cashew butter, with Nutella!!! HOly Heck! wow, what a combo! And yes, I felt guilty after I ate it.
and it's good with jelly too! What a find for a vegetarian like myself, who needs to eat a lot of nuts... it has probably been on the shelves forever, I just never saw it! YUM!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Lame! I am so....

OK. so even though no one will even read this, we (as in I) will try to post more often. A whole month has gone by! and I didn't even make it for the first day of the year! weak! I am lame and don't even have an excuse other than I am lazy. Or didn't think anything I did was worth mentioning. or got made fun of for even having a blog. Or---enough excuses already! either I will or I won't. you will have to stay tuned to find out, just like us. (me).....haha! I sound insane! maybe I am....