Saturday, December 1, 2007

Jeepers, never enough time!

So, I feel a bit better today, the not sick mantra seems to be working. But, since I had to work today and have plans tonite, there is not enough time to do what I want! I have lots of things I want to make! I just went and got lots of cool fabric (yeah, like I needed more fabric!) and I want to go home and sew! But I made plans for later, so I won't have enough time. I can't believe how fast time flies. How the heck is it already Dec 1???? Just yesterday it was Halloween. It really is true, the older you get, the faster it goes. If only I could MAKE time. Or buy more. hm.
Oh well, when I get home I will just have to get straight to 'work' craftin! Then time will really fly by....

1 comment:

refabulous said...

I totally know what you're talking about... I'm counting the minutes until the kiddos can go to bed, and then I can get to "work!" Are YOU ready for Monday?