Wednesday, January 7, 2009

confession time!

ok. i already broke a resolution. and then i 'cheated' to cover it up.
I fudged the times on my last two posts! eeek! i am sure that's taboo in some way, but hey, they have the option to change the date and time! and now i am coming clean. so if anyone's even reading this, they will know my dirty secret. i just posted those today. but! i want to make a post every day, and i had every intention of doing it....i just didn't. i'm not even catholic, but it feels good to confess.
while we're at it, here's another one... i hate using capitol letters! ok, maybe not hate. but i am a lazy typist sometimes, so if you notice i don't capitolize everything, then you're paying attention.

what else? oh, i spent at least 3 hours today at the bookstore. and i bought a book or two. and i might return one. another confession! i couldn't decide, so i bought both. ha, it was hard enough to limit it to just 2. there were at least 42 books i wanted. and more if i'd have looked at another section besides crafting. and i looked for some new music, but was too cheap to buy any. or, too cheap and too poor. I just found a new band called The Duke Spirit, they remind me of the Heartless Bastards. but they are from england. check em out, they are super. and i actually heard them on the radio! KVRX, where there is a real dj who actually answers the phone and tells you what song he just played! i love KOOP/KVRX. if it wasn't for them and KUT i would go office space on the radio. (me, a field and a baseball bat....)
ok, and this is the real time on this post!!

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