Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, New Me? Howdy 2009!

Well, I'd like to make a huge list of resolutions. There are many things I would love to change about myself. So many that the list would be pretty dang long.
But I know myself. I don't keep them.(yes, that's one of the things I'd like to change!) So maybe I should just focus on making me a better me all around. Without specific resolutions. Perhaps that'll work. I guess only time will tell! and really, it's only 365 days till next new year's. Then if need be, I'll make some 'resolutions'.
I haven't posted on my blog in a long time. I'll try to keep up more this year. I just don't think anyone really cares to read about my boring life. and I don't have good follow thru on things like this. But maybe if I try to just use this as a daily sounding board, like a notebook to myself.... or perhaps if my life is a bit more exciting this year? ha ha. sometimes boring is good.
I'm spending today listing new items on Etsy and Artfire, and watching movies and crocheting. Hubs has to work. I am just now feeling better after a week of feeling poopy- due to allergies; mountain cedar I dislike you immensely...
Also, redoing the look of this blah-g and maybe even giving it a new title. A fresh start for the new year, eh? Hello, 2009!

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