Saturday, January 3, 2009

Once in a while, I take a decent photo

When I was in high school, I took some photography courses. Back in the old days, when there were actually dark rooms and chemicals involved in photography! Ok, back in the early 90's. So, I fancied that someday I'd make a living as a photographer, and thought that I could do it professionally. Then reality slapped me upside the head and I realized that I was just a mediocre photog. But, that didn't keep me from taking a shit-ton of photos over the years. I have boxes of them. I must've spent thousands getting my pics processed (since I haven't set foot in a darkroom since high school). And when digital came around, I steadfastly rejected it. For years, I resisted it, determined that I'd always use film. Well....then my dad gave me a digital camera. I'm sure you know what happened then. I realized how foolish it was to waste money on a few good pics amidst hundreds of crappy and less than great photos. So now I take thousands of pictures!! I admit (although I don't like to) that I love, love, love my digital camera. I have taken so many photos it's ridiculous. Of course, very few of these actually get printed out. But ces't la vie, this is the new age. And every once in a while, I take a photo I really love. Still few and far between, but at least I don't have boxes of hardcopies of photos I don't like, just files and files! So this pic is of my niece, Mia. We went to a playground and had a lot of fun running about on the playscape. There are more pics of her and Daniela, her twin, on my flickr pages. Those girls are muy preciosa! I adore them. And the only thing I don't love about this pic is the Hannah Montana shirt. But that's a whole nother post....

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