Thursday, January 22, 2009

what a wonderful week!

this has been a great week for me.... friday battlestar galactica came back, sat i got to go on a date in my fancy clothes, sunday i got to chillax, monday was normal, tuesday was a super day where i cried tears of joy and felt proud of my country and wednesday was the Lost premiere!!
ok, so you can tell my life has a bit too much tv in it, but oh well....
let's hope it continues to be a super week! and year! and beyond.....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


wow. i have'nt felt like this in as long as i can remember. i am proud to be an American today.
very proud.

Monday, January 19, 2009

cocktail attire!

here ya go--as promised! me and the hubster all shined up. we are more dressed up here than at our own wedding! (12 years ago, btw)

i, of course, ran out of time, so didn't really get to make the necklace as detailed as I wanted, but this one was nice. and the sash could have been wider, and etc...but, i think we look nice! hubs was too shy to dance with me though. we still had fun, there was lots of free cheese!
doesn't take much to make me happy--free cheese!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cocktail Attire?

hmm. so this weekend is the winter party for my job. i think it'll be neat, they are having it at the bob bullock history museum. the conundrum is what to wear.... it's 'cocktail attire'. i had to google that to find out what that means. apparently it's a short fancy dress and fancy jewelry. well, that's more dressed up than i was at my own wedding, but i think i can handle it. i have a nice black dress that i have never worn (ok, yeah it's cotton) which is a cute shirt dress with a full skirt and puff sleeve caps. i'll make a nice wide silk patchwork multicolored belt to wear with it to add a pop of color. (have a lot of upcycled silk that i've been saving for a special occasion) and a big chunky necklace (have a bunch of nice big beads i've been hording). and if i have time, i'll make a petticoat to wear under it. that'll make the skirt fluff out more. and that'll have to do, cause even if i wanted to, i can't afford to go buy a new dress right now! and all my leftover bridesmaids dresses are too long to be 'cocktail' according to the pics i saw.
see, sometimes it pays to be a craft supply packrat!
i'll post pics later. not often that hubs and i dress up and look fancy together!

Monday, January 12, 2009


i met Carole Keeton Strayhorn today at work. there was a press conference at my job. that was a nice distraction for a couple of hours

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Frak yes! new BSG starts very soon

woot! and thank the gods. the last part of the series starts Friday! and we have 10 episodes to look forward to before the end!
what series?? Battlestar Galactica, of course!
i can't wait to find out who the other cylon is. eeek!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday nite and cleaning out the fridge

wow, you know you don't have a life when you spend your friday evening cleaning the refrigerator!
that's ok, we had pizza for dinner, and the premieres of Monk and Psych were tonite.
i love that show psych, it really cracks me up. not as much as the office, but it's pretty, pretty, pretty good. (no curb your enthusiasm, mind you)
i like laughing, i was thinking about learing laughter yoga. no, really!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

s.h.i.t. Sure Happy It's Thursday

ok folks! it's only the 8th day of the year and I am already out of ideas on what to blog about! well, maybe not all out of ideas, but definitely indecisive about it.
today it was over 70 degrees here. it's january for gosh sakes! where's winter?? is this what it's gonna be like forever? yay, global warming!
not really. i'd like at least a pretend season.

see, you can always just talk about the weather.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

confession time!

ok. i already broke a resolution. and then i 'cheated' to cover it up.
I fudged the times on my last two posts! eeek! i am sure that's taboo in some way, but hey, they have the option to change the date and time! and now i am coming clean. so if anyone's even reading this, they will know my dirty secret. i just posted those today. but! i want to make a post every day, and i had every intention of doing it....i just didn't. i'm not even catholic, but it feels good to confess.
while we're at it, here's another one... i hate using capitol letters! ok, maybe not hate. but i am a lazy typist sometimes, so if you notice i don't capitolize everything, then you're paying attention.

what else? oh, i spent at least 3 hours today at the bookstore. and i bought a book or two. and i might return one. another confession! i couldn't decide, so i bought both. ha, it was hard enough to limit it to just 2. there were at least 42 books i wanted. and more if i'd have looked at another section besides crafting. and i looked for some new music, but was too cheap to buy any. or, too cheap and too poor. I just found a new band called The Duke Spirit, they remind me of the Heartless Bastards. but they are from england. check em out, they are super. and i actually heard them on the radio! KVRX, where there is a real dj who actually answers the phone and tells you what song he just played! i love KOOP/KVRX. if it wasn't for them and KUT i would go office space on the radio. (me, a field and a baseball bat....)
ok, and this is the real time on this post!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesday...did I mention that I love hummus?

I do. I love hummus. and I recently learned how to make it. yes, it's just pureed chickpeas, not that hard to make....but I just found a super recipe for making it. and I get to use the fancy food processor my parents gave me for Christmas last year. so far I have used it to make hummus and salsa, that's about it. but those are 2 of my favorite foods ever. (i could probably live on chips and salsa).

so i'll share my recipe with you, even though i actually stole it off the web. so it's not my recipe really....

Red Bell Pepper Hummus!
Ingredients:I can (16oz -19oz) of chickpeas
1 red bell pepper
1 tablespoon of tahini1
½ tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 ½ tablespoon olive oil
3/4 teaspoon cumin
1 clove of garlic, crushed
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 ½ tablespoon water
Preparation:Wash and dry red bell pepper. Chop into ½ inch pieces.In a blender or food processor, blend the chickpeas. Add red bell pepper, olive oil, tahini, lemon juice, garlic, cumin, water, and salt until the ingredients form a creamy, paste-like consistency. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes
*except I used peanut butter instead of tahini, and added a wee bit more lemon juice and cumin.
and I got the recipe off

shazam, that's delish!!

oh, and this time when i made it i subbed orange juice for lemon juice, cause we didn't have any lemons....and it's still great! I use peanut butter cause we always have that, and i was too cheap to buy tahini, plus i don't really love tahini. and peanut butter was listed as a substitute on some other website i looked at. i tried it and it works great!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Stereo is a Lie Rocks

Tonite the hubs and I went to see a band that my friend Raul is in. Stereo Is A Lie.... and, no lie, they are really frakin good! I am not just saying that cause Raul's in the band either. I wish they had some tunes posted on their myspace page, but they don't. So I'll have to wait until the end of the month to see them again!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Etsy Texas Crafters First Monday SALE time!

It's the first Monday of the month and that means it's sale time! in my 2 Etsy shops, save 25% off any item all day January 5th. There are also about 60 other shops on the ETC team participating! here is the Etsy forum thread with the sales list...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Once in a while, I take a decent photo

When I was in high school, I took some photography courses. Back in the old days, when there were actually dark rooms and chemicals involved in photography! Ok, back in the early 90's. So, I fancied that someday I'd make a living as a photographer, and thought that I could do it professionally. Then reality slapped me upside the head and I realized that I was just a mediocre photog. But, that didn't keep me from taking a shit-ton of photos over the years. I have boxes of them. I must've spent thousands getting my pics processed (since I haven't set foot in a darkroom since high school). And when digital came around, I steadfastly rejected it. For years, I resisted it, determined that I'd always use film. Well....then my dad gave me a digital camera. I'm sure you know what happened then. I realized how foolish it was to waste money on a few good pics amidst hundreds of crappy and less than great photos. So now I take thousands of pictures!! I admit (although I don't like to) that I love, love, love my digital camera. I have taken so many photos it's ridiculous. Of course, very few of these actually get printed out. But ces't la vie, this is the new age. And every once in a while, I take a photo I really love. Still few and far between, but at least I don't have boxes of hardcopies of photos I don't like, just files and files! So this pic is of my niece, Mia. We went to a playground and had a lot of fun running about on the playscape. There are more pics of her and Daniela, her twin, on my flickr pages. Those girls are muy preciosa! I adore them. And the only thing I don't love about this pic is the Hannah Montana shirt. But that's a whole nother post....

Friday, January 2, 2009

Think I'm turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese....ok, I don't really think so, think so.
But I am really getting into making a couple of Japanese handicrafts. Such as the Kanzashi flowers I learned how to make. Back in November, I taught myself how to make these cute flowers. Really, with all the fabrics I have, the possibilities are endless!! I will be making more soon. Along with another traditional Japanese craft. so stay tuned!! Tune in Tokyo! (is that too much?) if i knew how to put a song on here, you know what I'd put.
And I also changed the title of the blog (which I may do again, who knows) to (hopefully correctly translated) Japanese - meaning SweetWolf. Ta dah! Not that you knew what it was called before anyway, cause who reads it!?!?!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, New Me? Howdy 2009!

Well, I'd like to make a huge list of resolutions. There are many things I would love to change about myself. So many that the list would be pretty dang long.
But I know myself. I don't keep them.(yes, that's one of the things I'd like to change!) So maybe I should just focus on making me a better me all around. Without specific resolutions. Perhaps that'll work. I guess only time will tell! and really, it's only 365 days till next new year's. Then if need be, I'll make some 'resolutions'.
I haven't posted on my blog in a long time. I'll try to keep up more this year. I just don't think anyone really cares to read about my boring life. and I don't have good follow thru on things like this. But maybe if I try to just use this as a daily sounding board, like a notebook to myself.... or perhaps if my life is a bit more exciting this year? ha ha. sometimes boring is good.
I'm spending today listing new items on Etsy and Artfire, and watching movies and crocheting. Hubs has to work. I am just now feeling better after a week of feeling poopy- due to allergies; mountain cedar I dislike you immensely...
Also, redoing the look of this blah-g and maybe even giving it a new title. A fresh start for the new year, eh? Hello, 2009!